良柚柿餅堅持傳統柿餅口味的用心與執著,及秉持保存客家文化與守護臺灣土地的信念,因新竹新埔關西地區得天獨厚的九降風,得以純手工烘製天然高品質的柿餅系列產品。延續客家古法技藝,堅持手作的柿餅、柿乾果肉甘甜、口感Q 軟細緻、單寧酵素含量高,保有天然柿香濃郁,兼具傳統美味及養生概念。
Liang You Dried Persimmon Cake Bakery insists on making traditional-flavored dried persimmon cakes, preserving Hakka culture, and protecting the land in Taiwan. Due to the presence of the favorable winds of September in the Guanxi area of Xinpu, Hsinchu makes it possible to bake a 100% handmade natural quality series of dried persimmon cakes. The dried persimmon cakes are handmade following the ancient Hakka practice and feature sweet pulp, a chewy soft texture, and high tannin content. The natural thick fragrance of persimmons is preserved in each cake. The cakes combine tradition and the concept of eating healthy into one delicious treat!
資料來源:台灣客家等路大街 http://www.hakkamall.org.tw/
350g / 盒,共四盒